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It was a "Jungle Masquerade" but there was no masquerading the fact that this was a fundraiser for the Rainforest Alliance. The Rainforest Alliance is comprised of willfully environmentally minded individuals who combine to be a positive force educating the world at large to save the remaining rainforest and its creatures.

Speaking of beautiful.....

Beautiful Event Co-Chairs Kerri Corn and Debby Jacobs joined special guest Mary Stuart Masterson and hosts Laleh & Alex Roudi in welcoming hundreds of guests for an unforgettable fundraiser in La Jolla.

Primal, animal and masked attire was encouraged, guests complied. Among the animal print clad were super mom and surfer Gigi Mortimer from New York, Reef Brazil's Cecilia & Santiago Aguerre and Fernando Aguerre, Jeanie & Jeff Calrstead, alot of Jacobs including Deni & Jeff, Stacy & Paul and of course Hal.

Lynn & Scott Peters were there as well as Lorna Alksne, Susan & Craig McClellan, Nancy O'Conner, model Molly McKellar, Elisabeth and John Bergan, Mimi & Craig Swenson, Dianne York & Dr. Mitch Goldman and oh so many more mixing among tribal types!

Puuuurrrrrrview the photos and enjoy. Remember throughout that the fun was for a great cause. Certification of 72 million acres of forest worldwide, protecting the natural resources and encouraging socially friendly choices in food, wood products, and tourism. Visit www.rainforest-alliance.org for more information or ring 212-677-1900 and get involved!

Copyright Margo Schwab 2003 All rights protected.

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Event Co-Chairs Kerri Corn and Debby Jacobs enjoying a laugh with Actress and Rainforest Alliance supporter Mary Stuart Masterson.